Thursday, July 3, 2014

5 Reasons Why Dating At 40 Is Difficult

I just turned 40 years old last November. However, I look in the mirror and, aside from the stray gray hairs and laugh lines (much nicer to say than "wrinkles") around my eyes and mouth, I still look much the same as I did when I was in my early 20's.
Me at 40yo
Me at 25yo
I have been divorced now for over 15 years and have tried dating off and on for about 10 years. I even managed to have one long term relationship during that time that lasted 5 years.


Dating is hard! Here are my top 5 reasons why dating is difficult at 40. 

1. At 40 years old, most days you just don't give a shit. Now that's not to say that I don't care about what I look like or how I dress. What I mean by that is that I'm not as uptight as I used to be. Do I still wear makeup? Sometimes. If I do, it's usually only a bit of blush and some lip gloss. At 25 years old (as you can see from the picture above), I usually had a full mask on - foundation, blush, eyeliner, shadow, mascara, lipstick. Nowadays? Not so much. And, if I happen to go to the store in pajama pants and a t-shirt? Well, that's okay. I don't feel the need to have to impress anyone anymore. 

2. At 40 years old, your expectations are very different. When I was younger, I had a long list of what I expected from a young man. What I have figured out since then is that I am content with my situation, even if I am not part of a couple, which means my expectations on a date are different than what they used to be. When one is young and dating, you are thinking "future". Is he "the one"? How will he treat our children? Can he be a good step dad? Is he a workaholic or lazy or something in between? So, it's not so much my expectations of HIM that have changed, but rather, the expectations I have for MYSELF. If I have a car, why do I need a guy that has one? If I have been a good parent to my children, why do I need a step-parent to mix it up? I can't have kids anymore, so that's a null issue. So, it's not that my desire to be part of a couple is any different, but rather that I don't NEED to be part of a couple. I'm okay with who I am and with being alone. 

3. Men who age gracefully versus not so gracefully. Okay, this one is a bit...vain. I occasionally go on some online dating websites to see what is out there. I am also a person that, although I am okay with being older and having some grays and laugh lines, I do want to age gracefully. So, I will admit that I still dye my hair (which I've been doing since I was in my 20's), and cut it in a more "youthful" fashion. What I'm disappointed in is the pool of available men around my age, or a little bit older, that look like my father (who is 85 years old this year). I'm not saying that you have to look 30 if you are 40 or 45, but, why rush to look 70, if you are only 40? 

4. At 40 years old, some people are still in their first marriages. Yes, I married quite young. I had my children quite young (I had my first daughter when I was only a tender 18 years old). When I moved back to Michigan 8 years ago and met up with all my old friends from school, I was one of maybe 3 or 4 other women who had had children around the same time. I was also one of the only ones divorced. So, most of the men that I knew growing up were all attached with small children and families. Most of my female friends also had spouses and small children. Here I was, a "young" divorcee, with teenage children (almost young adults). The prospective pool of potential suitors is narrow, at best. And, if you read number 3 above, you have probably figured out that I don't really go for the "much older" man. 

5. At 40 years old, what do you talk about on a first date? This is the main reason why I don't date. I've been on plenty of dates before and they all begin the same: what's your name? What do you do? Where did you go to school? Do you read? Do you like the outdoors? Do you have any pets? This is all well and good, but after 10 dates, each one then begins to feel too much like a job interview. I've joked with friends that I was going to start making applications which I would then have the perspective partner fill out, just to get over all the same questions that everybody always asks. Either way, the repetition is tedious, and if you find you like the other person and you hang in there for 3 months or so, but it doesn't work out...well, back to the drawing board! To find another, to ask the same questions all over again....sigh. My Dating Ground Hog Day! 

Happy Hunting - I mean, Dating! 


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